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Zorro Blanco

Project Team


Aaron Bohrer - 505-670-2375


Kat Mortimer - 505-577-4553

Sommer Karnes - 505-989-3800

Karl Sommer - 

Mychel Delgado -

Tom Gifford Architects

Tom Gifford - 

Key Deadlines & Dates

1. Preapplication Meeting

    1.1 Obtain date from City

    1.2 Prepare drawings/information to present

    1.3 Attend meeting and document results 

2. ENN Meeting

    2.1 Obtain date/list of people to notify from City

    2.2 Send notifications

    2.3 Prepare presentation materials

    2.4 Attend meeting and document results

    2.5 Determine revisions to be made based on feedback

3. Tierra Contenta Design Review Committee

    3.1 Obtain meeting date from TCC

    3.2 Edit presentation from ENN to address TC concerns

    3.3 Attend meeting and document results

4. Development Plan submittal

    4.1 Prepare all drawings for submittal

    4.2 Meet with key staff to verify submittal requirements

    4.3 Submit application with drawings (10 days or more after ENN)


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